Episode 8/8 Scientists Hiding Fossils

Most are not aware that many evolution scientists who report they have found an ape-man blatantly deny access to their colleagues who want to inspect the fossils but might have a different view. This has been an ongoing problem for the last 130 years and includes the most famous ape-men such as Neanderthal Man, Piltdown Man, Homo erectus, Toumai, and others. Their motivation for doing this is so that their claim, that they have found an ape-man, is not quickly overturned. The widespread problem of scientists hiding their fossils is covered in the first 45 minutes of this show. In part 2, entitled, "Ape-Man Tools" modern evolution scientists reveal that more than 41,000 so called ape-man tools turned out to be just ordinary rocks and ordinary animal bones. Even so, museums still portray many other ordinary-appearing rocks as “ape-man tools.”

  • Episode 8/8 Scientists Hiding Fossils and Ape-Men Tools


    Most are not aware that many evolution scientists who report they have found an ape-man blatantly deny access to their colleagues who want to inspect the fossils but might have a different view. This has been an ongoing problem for the last 130 years and includes the most famous ape-men such as N...

  • Episode 8/8 Scientists Hiding Fossils

    1 video

    Most are not aware that many evolution scientists who report they have found an ape-man blatantly deny access to their colleagues who want to inspect the fossils but might have a different view. This has been an ongoing problem for the last 130 years and includes the most famous ape-men such as N...

  • Episode 7/8 Human Evolution Fraud in Europe

    1 video

    More than 150 acts of fraud have been carried out in the field of human evolution, and 70 of these were carried out by scientists working in Europe. The most famous evolution scientist in all of Europe, Dr. Ernst Haeckel, admitted in a newspaper article (Berliner Volks Zeitung) that he had commi...

  • Episode 6/8 Human Evolution Fraud in Africa

    1 video

    Many well known scientists working in Africa committed ape-man fraud. Most of these fraudulent acts are unknown by the public and are disclosed for the first time in this miniseries. In all, 60 acts of fraud were carried out by Dr. Louis Leakey, Richard Leakey, Dr. Phillip Tobias, Dr. Raymond D...